Aerial Yoga
Nice to have you with us!
Que bom que aqui estás!
Schön, dass Du dabei bist!
O Yoga Aéreo é uma conjugaçao equilibrada de técnicas do Yoga, pilates e acrobacia, desenvolvida há alguns anos nos EUA. O yoga num tecido tem muitas vantagens: Não só alivia as articulações e a coluna vertebral mas, como no yoga „tradicional“, promove o equilíbrio, a força muscular, a coordenação e a flexibilidade, assim como a concentração e serenidade. Os tecidos em forma de U são os teus companheiros nesta prática. Podes sentir-te segura e protegida na execucao das posições, mas podes também baloiçar e praticar exercícios desafiantes (como as posições invertidas), com um toque de aventura, o que também é divertido. O yoga aéreo é uma forma muito especial de promover a saúde física, mental e espiritual.
Aerial yoga is a balanced combination of yoga, Pilates and acrobatic techniques that was developed in the USA a few years ago. Yoga in a sling has many advantages: It not only relieves the joints and the spine, but also promotes balance, muscle strength, coordination and flexibility, as well as concentration and composure, just as in „traditional“ yoga. U-shaped „silks“ are your companions in this practice. You can feel safe and secure while performing the „asanas“, but you can also swing and practice challenging exercises (such as inverted positions), with a touch of adventure that is also fun. Aerial Yoga is a very special way to promote physical, mental and spiritual health.
"Feel free,
stay calm,
be happy...
Fly with us!
Aerial Yoga ist eine ausgewogene Kombination aus Yoga-, Pilates- und Akrobatik- Techniken, die vor einigen Jahren in den USA entwickelt wurde. Yoga im Tuch hat viele Vorteile: Es entlastet nicht nur die Gelenke und die Wirbelsäule, sondern fördert wie beim „traditionellen“ Yoga Gleichgewicht, Muskelkraft, Koordination und Flexibilität sowie Konzentration und Gelassenheit. U-förmige Tücher sind deine Begleiter bei dieser Praxis. Du kannst dich bei der Ausführung der „Asanas“ sicher und geborgen fühlen, aber du kannst auch schwingen und herausfordernde Übungen (wie z. B. umgekehrte Positionen) üben, mit einem Hauch von Abenteuer, der auch Spaß macht. Aerial Yoga ist eine ganz besondere Art, die körperliche, geistige und seelische Gesundheit zu fördern.
Our Workshops
Our current locations | Os nossos locais | Unsere aktuellen Standorte
In Cologne we offer our Workshops at the multifunctional room, in the great climbing gym Kletterfabrik
Em Colónia oferecemos os nossos workshops na sala multifunções do fantástico ginásio de escalada Kletterfabrik
In Köln bieten wir unsere Workshops in dem Multifunktionsraum der tolle Kletterhalle Kletterfabrik:
In Wuppertal we offer our Workshops in the beautiful yoga room of the Boulderhalle Banhof Blo
Em Wuppertal oferecemos os nossos workshops na linda sala de yoga do ginásio de escalada-em-bloco da Banhof Blo
In Wuppertal bieten wir unsere Workshops in dem schönen Yogaraum der Boulderhalle Bahnhof Blo:
We are also in the Algarve! At the moment we are offering workshops in the gorgeous shala from "Espiche Yoga"
Estamos também no Algarve! Neste momento estamos a oferecer workshops na linda shala do "Espiche Yoga"
Wir sind auch an der Algarve! Zur Zeit bieten wir Workshops in der wunderschöne Shala von "Espiche Yoga" an.
Dates | Datas Atuais | Termine
At KletterFabrik
new dates coming soon!
13.10. 2024, Algarve
At Espiche Yoga
9.30 – 10.45 a.m.
11.00 – 12.15
Oferecemos workshops personalizados para festas de aniversário, despedidas de solteira, empresas e outros eventos. Contacte-nos!
26.10.2024 Wuppertal
At Bahnhof Blo
10.30 – 12.15 a.m.
13.30 – 15.15 p.m., 16 – 17.45 p.m.
Wir bitten „massgeschnietene“ Workshops für Geburtstagsparties, Junggesellenabschied, Firmen/Unternehmen und andere Events an. Kontaktieren Sie uns!